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Organic Reactions

Chemistry Toolbox allows people for a quick access to the main data in chemistry within easy reach.
The functionalities already presents are:
- Periodic table with chemical element characteristics
- Several calculation tools for solution preparation (dilution, molar mass, molar concentration and density), pH and converter
- Physical/chemical constants
- Solubility chart
- pH indicators
- NMR (1H NMR shifts, 13C NMR shifts, patterns and constants)
- Data for common solvents (polarity, elution strength, boiling point, density....)
- pKa information
- Buffer solutions
- Standard reductions potentials
- Organic functional groups (Amino acids, Carbohydrates)

This app allows people working in organic chemistry for a quick access to the main functional group reactions and their mechanisms.


The application is organized to provide a direct link between a reactant and its corresponding product, as well as the synthesis and protection reactions.


Over 200 reactions and their detailled mechanism are described.

More than 60 000 people already downloaded it and give it a rate of 4.1 on Google Play

Organic Reactions